Monday, August 21, 2006

Inflow of ocular surface fluid into the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification through sutureless corneal cataract wounds.

Wilmer Ophthalmological Institute, The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland 21287-9278, USA.

PURPOSE: To report inflow of extraocular fluid after phacoemulsification with use of sutureless corneal incisions. DESIGN: Interventional case series. METHODS: setting: Wilmer Eye Institute, Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Maryland. patients: Eight patients (three women), aged 58 to 91 years, showing minimal bleeding from the limbal capillary bed during phacoemulsification. intervention: Surgery was performed through a 2.8-mm limbal incision. External pressure simulating patient manipulation was applied before and after wound hydrosealing with an irrigation cannula. main outcome measures: Inflow of blood-tinged tear fluid into the anterior chamber through the wound was monitored by using digital video. RESULTS: Inflow of extraocular fluid was observed in all eyes when the cannula was released, even after wound hydrosealing. Two patients showed spontaneous fluid inflow. CONCLUSIONS: Tested sutureless corneal incisions allow inflow of extraocular fluid into the anterior chamber after phacoemulsification. This may permit intraocular contamination leading to endophthalmitis.

PMID: 16226532 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]

What is the lens?

The lens is the part of the eye that helps focus light on the retina. The retina is the eye's light-sensitive layer that sends visual signals to the brain. In a normal eye, light passes through the lens and gets focused on the retina. To help produce a sharp image, the lens must remain clear.


What is a cataract?

A cataract is a clouding of the eye's lens that can cause vision problems. The most common type is related to aging. More than half of all Americans age 65 and older have a cataract. In the early stages, stronger lighting and eyeglasses may lessen vision problems caused by cataracts. At a certain point, however, surgery may be needed to improve vision. Today, cataract surgery is safe and very effective.
